The Most Controversially Named Nebula
The Flying Bat and Squid Nebulas - SH2 - 129 and Ou4 is one of the most controversially named nebula. SH2 -129 is a relatively faint emission nebula in Cepheus, a neighbor of the larger and more often imaged IC 1396. Sometimes referred to as the “Flying Bat" nebula, this region is characterized by Ha emission.
What is most remarkable about this region is a recent discovery made in 2011 by Nicolas Outters, called the “Squid Nebula” due to it's shape, but more officially called out as Ou4. This region is characterized by a very faint OIII emission that has a bipolar shape reminscent of a Planetary Nebula, seen as the blue coloured region just to the center.
Although it was originally thought to perhaps represent a planetary nebula derived from an unknown, dying star, more recent evidences suggests that Ou4 is located within SH2 - 129, and possibly emanating from a triple star system located in the center of Ou4 ( HR8119, visible above as a bright star in the center of the Squid ).
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