Closest Black Hole From Earth

 According to Science News, the Milky Way may probably have 100 million to a billion black holes. The masses of these black holes may range from 100 times more than the sun.

Thomas Rivinus, astrophysics of the European Southern Observatory in Santiago, Chile, said to Science News in an interview that the black holes are often invisible and they are companions that remain hidden.

According to the portal, the nearest black hole discovered by NASA was 3200 light-years away. It is named V616 Mon and was seen emitting X-Rays. But, scientists from NASA have found a new black hole named HR 6819, which is newly discovered. It is 1000 light-years away from earth.

This new black hole is not a single one. But has one star and a black hole. The star orbits the black hole every 40 days. This star is bigger than the sun and is also hotter in temperature.

The scientists theorized that there were four stars orbiting the black hole because of the large mass present around it. But, on close examination, it was found that there was only one star which is heavier and hotter. The star comes with nearly 68 times more mass than the sun.

HR 6819 comes with many bright stars that can be easily seen by the naked eye from the southern hemisphere.
