First Radish Crop Grown On International Space Station

 NASA scientist are growing Radish Crops in the International Space Station the crops are high source of minerals,calcium and potassium and vitamin c.

On Nov. 30, 2020, NASA astronaut Kate Rubins harvested radish plants growing in the Advanced Plant Habitat (APH) aboard the International Space Station. The plant experiment, called Plant Habitat-02 (PH-02), is the first time NASA has grown radishes on the orbiting laboratory.

The structure of the experiment will allow NASA to identify the optimum balance of care and feeding needed to produce quality plants. While growing inside the habitat, the radishes required little maintenance from the crew.

Unlike previous experiments in NASA's APH and Vegetable Production System (Veggie), which used porous clay material preloaded with a slow-release fertilizer, this trial relies on precisely defined quantities of provided minerals. 

Replicating the plant experiment increases the sample size and improves scientific accuracy.' The researchers credit two partner organizations with helping make the mission a success.

The Biological and Physical Sciences (BPS) Division of NASA's Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington provides funding for Veggie, the APH, and related investigations.

Source:- NASA
