Facts about second natural satellite of Pluto by distance(Styx)

 Styx is a small natural satellite of Pluto whose discovery was announced on 11july 2012. Styx is approximately 16km(9.9mi) across it's longest dimension, and it's orbital period is 20.1 days. It was imaged along with Pluto and Pluto's other moons by the New Horizon spacecraft in July 2015.

Facts about Styx:-

1. Smallest moon of Pluto.

2. Styx is the second closest known satellite to Pluto.

3. All of Pluto's moon appear to travel in orbits that are very nearly circular and coplanar.

4. Styx is the first moon of Pluto which was discovered.

5. The alternative name of Styx is s/ 2012 (134340) 1 and S/2012 P1.

6. Discovered by a team lead by Mark.R.Showalter by using Hubble Telescope.

7. Styx is about half as bright as the dimmest previously known object in the system, Keberos, and about one hundred thousandth as bright as Pluto.
