7 mind blowing facts about Mars.

  1. Mars takes it's name from Roman God of War because of it's reddish colour was reminiscent of Blood.

2. Mars's atmosphere is mostly Carbon dioxide with traces of Nitrogen and Argon.

 3. A Martian day is about 40 minutes longer than a day on Earth.

4. At the equators, mars is a comfortable 27 degree Celsius, but the temperature at it's poles can be around minus 153 degree Celsius.

5. Sunset on Mars is Blue. It is because the Red light gets easily scattered away from the Sun. The Martian atmosphere has particles which refract Blue colour.

6. Mars has the largest Dust storms in the solar system. They can last up to months and cover up the entire planet.

 7.Pieces of  Mars have fallen to Earth. Scientists have found tiny traces of Martian atmosphere within meteorites violently ejected from Mars.
