Death and Born of the red gaint planet Betelgeuse

 Betelgeuse is one of the brightest star ever discovered by the humans. It is the tenth brightest star in the night sky and second brightest in the Orion constellation.

During the final few months of 2019 Betelgeuse dimmed first noted in October 2019, by Feb 2020, the star had lost two third of it's brightness as seen from Earth.

The question raised was that if the change of light revealed the star on the verge of exploding as a supernova or not. Hubble telescope is the one who is used to solve most of space mysteries also shown this change in Betelgeuse.

But the lastest studies shows that the sudden dimming of one of the most brightest star of the Galaxy is due to the dust cloud spewing up from it's surface.

Researchers working with the Hubble telescope now have a clearer picture, seeing super hot plasma being unleashed from the star's surface, cooling in the outer layers of the Atmosphere and eventually turning to dust.

The resultant cloud blocked light from about a quarter of the star's surface the European Space Agency said in a statement and also stated that the star has come to it's normal brightness.

Betelgeuse almost 1,000 times the size of the sun, is 725 light years from Earth, meaning the event witnessed by the telescope happened around the beginning of the 14th century.
