7 Mind blowing facts about Venus

 1. Then planet is named after the Roman Goddess of Love and Beauty because of it's brightness that can easily can be seen from the Earth. The only planet named after a female.

2. Venus rotates very slow. It takes 243 Earth days to complete one rotation on it's axis and 225 Earth days to complete one revolution of the Sun. An year is shorter than a day on Venus.

3. It is the only planet in the solar system which rotates anti - clockwise. One possible cause of it, as explained by the Scientists, is that in early days a huge asteroid collided with it which changed its rotational direction.

4. Venus has cloud formed from Sulphuric Acid which is poisonous and the atmosphere is mostly consist of carbon dioxide.

5. It has extreme atmospheric pressure. The surface pressure is about 93 times that of Earth which is the reason why it traps so much heat. Hence any small object entering it's atmosphere will get destroyed before hitting the surface.

6. The planet with most volcanoes. Scientists have discovered over 1600 plus volcanoes on Venus. Almost 90% of it's surface is covered with lava.

7. It is second brightest natural object in the night sky after the moon.
