The only natural satellite of Earth

The  moon is an astronomical body orbiting Earth as it's only natural satellite. It is also named as Luna, Selene and Cynthia. The moon is thought to have formed about 4.51 billion years ago. The most widely accepted explanation is that the moon is formed from the debris left over after a large impact between Earth and hypothetical mars sized body called Theia. It's gravitational influence produces the ocean tides, body tides and slight lengthening of the day.

The moon makes a complete orbit around the Earth with respect to the fixed star's about once every 27.3 days. However because Earth is moving in it's orbit around the sun at the same time, it takes slightly longer time for the moon to show the same phase to earth which is about 29.5 days.

The side of moon which faces Earth is called as near side and the opposite the far side, which is also called as dark side.

When sunlight hits the Moon's surface, the temperature reaches at 260 degree Fahrenheit which is 127 degree Celsius. When sun goes down temperature can dip to minus 280 degree Fahrenheit which is minus 173 degree Celsius.


1. Moon is 5th largest satellite in solar system.

2. After sun, the moon is second brightest celestial object regularly visible in Earth's sky.

3. No country has a right to claim the moon as their property as many countries had signed  the treaty that moon is for all.

4. It doesn't have atmosphere so sunlight falls directly on it's surface.

5. Water is present on the moon in the form of ice but underground.

6. It is the largest moon in the solar system, relative to the size of it's planet, though Charon is larger relative to the dwarf planet Pluto. 

7. Eclipse only occur when the sun Earth and moon are all in straight line termed as syzgy.

8. Only permanent natural satellite of Earth, second densest satellite.

9. The Moon's surface is actually dark.

10. The moon is departure in gold and other highly siderophile elements.
