Titan is migrating away from saturn

Saturn's largest moon Titan is moving away from it's planet hundred times faster than previously established. Titan is not the only moon which is moving away from the planet but there are many other moon such as Deimos of mars which are moving away from the it's planet, it includes our moon also.

This is caused by the Moon's gravity tugging on the planet, which creates a temporary bulge in the planet. The energy pushes the moon further away.

Saturn is second largest planet of our solar system. The planet has 82 Moon's. Titan, which is larger than Mercury planet, orbits Saturn at a distance of 759,000 miles away. It is moving away from the planet every year very fast. It was closer to Saturn in the beginning billions of years.

Titan is unique in our solar system, it is the only moon with a considerable atmosphere and the only planetary body in addition to earth with liquid rivers and lake's on it's surface.
